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Friday, May 10, 2013

A few of my favorite shops for Spring & Summer...

Alright y'all, I just HAVE to share some of my very favorite vendors' pages with you!! There are links to all their stores via their Facebook page, but you can also easily access them by searching the web. You MUST check them out and hopefully LIKE their pages. Everything from gorgeous handmade items, to die for Vintage inspired outfits, amazingly trendy and original threads for the boy in your life, the sweetest leggings, crazy amazing shoes and boots for your little, and some of the most incredible fairy tale costumes I have ever seen! The people behind these pages and shops are TRULY beyond creative and extremely talented. I think you will agree ;) They make me wish I had a little one to buy for, because I want everything lol. This is no joke!! If you have a weakness for online shopping and the cutest clothing and accessories, perhaps you should back out now...

You've been warned! =D

Without further ado, I present you with some of my favorite shops for Spring & Summer. Enjoy! And hopefully fall in love with them just as I have <3

(Simply click on page names to link to their FB pages)

 Well Dressed Wolf
I hope you all enjoyed the above pages! Show these vendors some love and like their pages = ) Thanks for visiting the EEP blog today; have a GREAT one!!!
*Please keep in mind~ these are NOT my images!! They belong to the vendors and photographers that took them and own their copyright. Thank you!! 
~Ashley, Ever Ellison Photography